Cactus Gel (Like Aloe Vera) For Natural Hair Care

Cactus picking on my hikes up Barcelona hills

Cactus gel an be used for so many things. Most people know about aloe vera as one of the wonderful ingredients out there. Here is a simple hair recipe to try!

I often find cactus plants on my hike across the top of Barcelona’s hills – This picture was from my lat trip. It is wonderful to be able to use our natural finds for health and beauty. Here is a simple recipe of how you can use it for healthy hair.

Whether you’re buying it or picking it off straight from the plant, make sure your source is healthy and good quality.

You can choose to buy Aloe Vera gel already made – or if you have the cactus leaf, cut some into small pieces and leave to soak in water, covering overnight to loosen the pulp.

Cactus gel is simply wonderful as a hair care treatment. It’s easy to make and can be used as a pre-conditioner before you do your regular hair washing routine.

I remember when I had loose natural hair, I liked having cactus gel in my hair to define the curl pattern – But with locs, I’m finding that it works better for me before I wash my locs. Some locers use this to re-twist their new growth too.

Experiment and have fun! This is a basic recipe that can easily be customised and changed to suit you 😃


1 tender cactus or a few tablespoons of your pre-made gel

1 dash of almond oil

2-3 drops of your favourite essential oil


Gently cut and scoop out all the gel from your plant – Or add straight from your package if you bought it. The amount you use depends on how long and thick your hair is. You want an amount that will cover your hair comfortably.

In a blender, gather the ingredients and mix well. Before bathing, apply on hair and leave on for about 20 minutes.

Proceed to wash your hair with the products you normally use, then use warm water to remove all products from the hair.

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